Tiny Epic Defenders Kickstarter Edition
Take your battlestations and defend the Kingdom, in this fast past cooperative defense game featuring ITEMeeples® set in the world of Aughmoore.
1-4 Players
14+ Age
Tiny Epic Defenders Kickstarter Edition
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Take your battlestations and defend the Kingdom, in this fast past cooperative defense game featuring ITEMeeples® set in the world of Aughmoore.
1-4 Players
14+ Age



*Deluxe Kickstarter Edition Includes: 5 Defenders, 2 Artifact Items, 2 Epic Foes, 2 Dire Enemies 

Aughmoore is in ruins. The evil could not be contained and its darkness has spread to every region of the world. Shattering villages and infecting all forms of life. There has never been a more dire need for Heroes. Everyone who remains must rise up, must unite, and must risk everything to preserve what little spirit remains.

Game Design:Scott Almes
Illustrations::Ian Rosenthaler


Aughmoore is in ruins. The evil could not be contained and its darkness has spread to every region of the world. Shattering villages and infecting all forms of life. There has never been a more dire need for Heroes. Everyone who remains must rise up, must unite, and must risk everything to preserve what little spirit remains.

Tiny Epic Defenders is a riveting small-box cooperative game and it’s back with an all new edition featuring new art, new abilities, ITEMeeples and new rules making for more exciting gameplay than ever before!

EASY TO LEARN AND QUICK SETUP; Just a few minutes to setup and 30 minutes to really start rolling; once over the easy learning curve a fun and challenging strategic game ensues with simple and frenzied 30 to 45 minutes of play per game

TEAM COOPERATION GAME; An exciting fantasy cooperative defense board game, players age 13 and up working together to become heroes and defeat an epic foe; you succeed or die as a team

NEVER THE SAME GAME TWICE; Do you defend or let it burn; Do you spread out your forces or do you consolidate in one area; Different monsters and a wide array of character classes make for a fun board game night with friends

A GREAT MULTIPLAYER OR INDIVIDUAL GAME; A cooperative board game that works with up to 4 players however it is just as fun and challenging with 1; fun family and friends board game; great date night or solo strategy game play


16.14 MB
Good and Bad Fit

Not sure Tiny Epic Defenders Kickstarter Edition is best for you?

Consider if

  • You like cooperation
  • You like to play with the entire family
  • You enjoy fast gameplay
  • You play solo


  • If you want an extreme challenge
  • You desire longer gameplay
Patrick Köppe
Ich liebe dieses Spiel. Ich finde es sehr gelungen, wie ein so thematisches und wunderschön gestaltetes Spiel in diese kleine Box passt. Die Lieferung verlief reibungslos nach Deutschland. Das Spiel ist nur in Englisch verfügbar, was für mich kein Problem darstellt. Der Kundensupport war sehr freundlich und hat schnell geantwortet. Ich habe direkt noch das Addon "The Dark War" bestellt, was dem Spiel noch mehr Tiefgang verleiht, wozu ich aber eine kleine Kritik äußern möchte. Die Papier Standies sind leider nicht so toll. Die erfüllen ihren Zweck, allerdings passen die Teile zusammengesteckt nicht gut in die Box und leider sind manche Teile falsch gestanzt. Das ist schwierig zu beschreiben, aber manche Teile müssten andersrum ausgestanzt sein, damit man sie besser ineinander stecken kann. Leider muss man relativ viel Gewalt aufwenden, damit die Teile ineinander passen und dabei ist mir der Flügel des Manticore und ein Caravan abgebrochen. Ich habe die Löcher vorher etwas mit einer Nagelfeile geweitet, aber trotzdem passte es nicht so gut. Vielleicht lässt sich das bei der Produktion verbessern. Ansonsten wie gesagt ich liebe dieses Spiel. Ob alleine, oder mit Freunden, mir macht es viel Spaß und diese kleinen Itemeeples sind der Hammer :) Absolute Empfehlung!
2024-01-08 03:17:15
Nathan Roach
First Tiny Epic Review! I will be honest, I have a lot of games going through my “review” phase right now and so far nothing beats TE: Defenders. With the expansion set up can take a little longer depending on what constructs you play with. However, the pace for the game is quick and can become difficult if you don’t pay attention to the cards that are dealt. Basic game is fun but the expansion is a must have to create even more outcomes and (if you are like me) more difficult. I normally run with 4 hero’s to give me different options and routes to take. Make sure to give this a try with or without Dark War! You won’t be disappointed. Moving on to a small rating system. With this I will rate with 1-5 , since destruction is a main villain to you in this game. * Strategy: You have to focus on what cards are played from the deck you create at the beginning of the game. * Replayability: There are different regions, heroes, and artifacts to play with. Oh, and don’t forget the epic foes that are waiting to challenge you. This all around makes unlimited playability! * Rules: I will say rules cover majority of the game play. However, there are multiple pieces of play that are missed. You can assume the outcome that would be expected, or make a new “house rule” for the missing piece. Over all rules have good coverage. * Play Area: Does take up a little space however for how the gameplay goes, you would expect the area to be more drastic and cover massive amounts of table space. The play area is very small compared to most games of this nature. I normally fit it all onto a mat (unless I play 4 heroes, then their cards are placed off the mat).
2022-03-30 16:54:16

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